Nilva Winery

Nilva Winery


I am Argimiro Martínez Moreno, Agronomist Engineer. Born and raised in the hamlet of Torre de Uchea (Hellín, Albacete) in the heart of a family of small wine growers and, after different professional experiences in the world of engineering, I discovered Manilva and its vineyards in 2011. Here I have reconnected with the countryside and the simple village life in a natural environment of incomparable beauty.
Manilva is a coastal town in Malaga, on the Costa del Sol, which has traditionally lived from the vineyard, specifically, the Muscat of Alexandria grape. As a consequence of the urban bubbles that this region has suffered, 70% of the vineyards have disappeared in the last 25 years. And those that still survive are in serious danger of disappearing.
Confidence in the future of Manilva and its vineyards led me in 2014 to create the company NILVA ENOTURISMO and undertake a complex, difficult and uncertain, but very exciting project: Our company NILVA leads the Manilva Vineyard Recovery Project, with which we intend to recover and save the old Muscatel vines, produce wines of the highest quality and share with visitors the experience of the landscape, the vineyard and the wine through Wine Tourism, making guided tours to CIVIMA (Interpretation Center Vineyards of Manilva), NILVA winery and Viña del Peñoncillo, with magnificent views of the Mediterranean Sea and where we conduct tastings and tastings of the wines we produce.




Through our guided tour you will discover a surprising Manilva. Starting the visit at the CIVIMA (Centro de Interpretación Viñas de Manilva) you will make a tour of the viticulture of Manilva from the sixteenth century to the present day through the Viticulture, Oenology and Harvest Rooms. Next, you will visit the NILVA winery where the original and exclusive wines made with the Muscatel variety are produced. Afterwards, we visit the Peñoncillo vineyard, with extraordinary views of the Mediterranean Sea and where the wines produced by NILVA are tasted.
In summer, this visit takes place in the afternoon-evening to enjoy the spectacle of the sunset overlooking the Mediterranean.

Guided Tour:

– CIVIMA (Centro de Interpretación Viñas de Manilva):

o Audiovisual Room
o Viticulture Room
o Oenology Room
o Grape Harvest Room

– Bodega NILVA
– Viña del Peñoncillo
– Wine and tapas tasting.

Estimated duration: 2 hours.


– Activities for special groups, corporate events, tailor-made tastings, training
– Ask us for an offer and we will study your proposal.


– Activities for special groups, corporate events, tailor-made tastings, training
– Ask us for an offer and we will study your proposal.


Calle Doctor Álvarez Leiva, 2 (Next to Manilva Fire Station) 29691 MANILVA (Málaga)

+34 609 290 370
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BadMan Wines Winery

BadMan Wines Winery


The BAD MAN WINES project began in 2016, from the dream of two young winemakers, Simbad Romero and Manuel Carrizosa with the intention of offering something new and fresh in the Serranía de Ronda. Their idea was clear, to achieve wines that express the very special and unique characteristics that the terroir of the area possesses, a privileged place with a lot of history and a great viticultural potential where to develop their way of understanding winemaking.

To this end, they work mainly with single-varietal wines in which the personality of the different varieties can be found in their interaction with the soil. They pamper the vineyard throughout the year to get the best possible grapes, practicing organic viticulture and respectful with the environment, then in the winery they make use of various winemaking techniques, taking care of every detail and thus obtaining a very handmade and exclusive quality product. They can be considered signature wines, elegant, modern and expressive. We have sought to accompany the product with an innovative design by our designer Isaac Estepa.


Visit to the winery, where the project is explained, the philosophy of work, history, etc. and a tasting of 4-5 wines paired with some local products. There is the possibility of offering a flamenco guitar concert with the tasting.


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La Fábrica de Hojalata Winery

La Fábrica de Hojalata Winery


The Royal Tin Factory of San Miguel, which began its work in 1725, was the first factory of its kind founded in Spain. It is therefore the first blast furnace and the first national steel industry.

The factory was in operation until 1788, when it fell into abandonment, becoming a meeting and hiding place for bandits and smugglers.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the Old Factory has been rescued from its imminent ruin, restored and converted into an Artisan and Ecological Winery.

The farm is located in the epicenter of the Serranía de Ronda, in the municipality of Júzcar in the so-called Alto Genal Valley.

This consists of 30 hectares of pronounced orography, the vast majority of the land being mountain and Mediterranean forest made up of holm oaks, oaks, cork oaks, carob trees and chestnut trees.

The estate has 15,000 vines of the following varieties: 6,000 Pinot Noir (Declared by the European Union the southernmost plantation in Europe of this variety), 3,500 Moscatel Morisco (native variety of the Serranía de Ronda), 3,000 Tintilla de Ronda and 3,500 Garnacha Tintorera. In total there are 3 hectares of vines planted in three different areas of the estate, on flat land or with slight slopes of very different characteristics.

A very different and unique terroir with special edaphoclimatic characteristics that give the vineyards exceptional quality.

The Antigua Real Fabrica de San Miguel de Ronda winery maintains a full and complete commitment to the entire process of making natural wine with ecological criteria, not only in the agricultural aspect, but also in the industrial process that is carried out completely. craftswoman.


Open to previously arranged visits. Visits and tastings directed in English/Spanish/French.

We also offer “Tocatas”, wine tastings enlivened and related to flamenco music and “Declatas”, wine tastings enlivened with poetic declamations.

You can also celebrate your ceremonies and events in a unique place declared a Historical Industrial Monument in the middle of nature and totally ecological.


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Bodegas Cezar

Bodegas Cezar


Making a wine of the highest quality in the warm south of Spain represents quite a challenge. Some consider that perhaps you have to be a little crazy to try it. Although sometimes luck accompanies the bold. The greater the challenge, the greater the reward. But if you think carefully, this idea is not so far-fetched.

First of all, the vineyard is located 680 meters above sea level, in a cool area between two rivers, the Guadiaro and the Genal. The lower substrates are mostly composed of calcareous shale.

The vineyards face west, towards the Atlantic, so the shadow of the mountain protects them for much of the central hours of the day. During winter it snows and there are large temperature differences between day and night, which generates thick-skinned grapes, a necessary condition to achieve a very dense color. The long, warm summer ripens the grapes optimally, increasing the concentration of sugars. All these factors contribute to creating optimal conditions for vine cultivation.


Due to our structure, and the characteristics of our winery, visits are scheduled and in small groups previously arranged. Visits and tastings led by the owners and the winemaker (Spanish / English).


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Winery La Melonera

Winery La Melonera


It was an April afternoon in 2003 when the winemaker Javier Suqué, heir to one of the most important wine traditions in Spain, shared with his cousin Jorge Viladomiu Peitx the illusion of doing something different, something that would leave its mark, and at the same time paid tribute to a lifetime dedicated to the cultivation of the vine. This is how, together with a group of investors passionate about the challenge, they embarked on the adventure of finding the best location for the creation of unique wines. After much research among the endless volumes of the private library of the Perelada Castle, property of the Suqué Mateu family since 1923, the answer appeared between the pages of a book written in 1807 by Simón de Rojas Clemente, in which They detailed the incomparable characteristics of the Serranía de Ronda and its ancient winemaking tradition, interrupted at the end of the 19th century by the phylloxera plague. With patience and care, the native vines were tracked and recovered to return them to that land bathed by the Mediterranean sun, by the Atlantic winds and by a tradition of vines that dates back to the time of the Phoenicians. Little by little the efforts bore fruit, and today, with their wines La encina del Inglés and Payoya negra, that old dream is a very concrete reality.


Visit and discover all the secrets of our winery with the help of our sommelier Laura Cana, to learn first-hand about our history, our recovery project and our wines.


Paraje Los Frontones. Camino Ronda – Setenil S/n, 29400 Ronda

+34 951 19 40 18 / +34 661 47 29 79
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