Winery La Melonera


It was an April afternoon in 2003 when the winemaker Javier Suqué, heir to one of the most important wine traditions in Spain, shared with his cousin Jorge Viladomiu Peitx the illusion of doing something different, something that would leave its mark, and at the same time paid tribute to a lifetime dedicated to the cultivation of the vine. This is how, together with a group of investors passionate about the challenge, they embarked on the adventure of finding the best location for the creation of unique wines. After much research among the endless volumes of the private library of the Perelada Castle, property of the Suqué Mateu family since 1923, the answer appeared between the pages of a book written in 1807 by Simón de Rojas Clemente, in which They detailed the incomparable characteristics of the Serranía de Ronda and its ancient winemaking tradition, interrupted at the end of the 19th century by the phylloxera plague. With patience and care, the native vines were tracked and recovered to return them to that land bathed by the Mediterranean sun, by the Atlantic winds and by a tradition of vines that dates back to the time of the Phoenicians. Little by little the efforts bore fruit, and today, with their wines La encina del Inglés and Payoya negra, that old dream is a very concrete reality.


Visit and discover all the secrets of our winery with the help of our sommelier Laura Cana, to learn first-hand about our history, our recovery project and our wines.


Paraje Los Frontones. Camino Ronda – Setenil S/n, 29400 Ronda

+34 951 19 40 18 / +34 661 47 29 79
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