La Fábrica de Hojalata Winery


The Royal Tin Factory of San Miguel, which began its work in 1725, was the first factory of its kind founded in Spain. It is therefore the first blast furnace and the first national steel industry.

The factory was in operation until 1788, when it fell into abandonment, becoming a meeting and hiding place for bandits and smugglers.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the Old Factory has been rescued from its imminent ruin, restored and converted into an Artisan and Ecological Winery.

The farm is located in the epicenter of the Serranía de Ronda, in the municipality of Júzcar in the so-called Alto Genal Valley.

This consists of 30 hectares of pronounced orography, the vast majority of the land being mountain and Mediterranean forest made up of holm oaks, oaks, cork oaks, carob trees and chestnut trees.

The estate has 15,000 vines of the following varieties: 6,000 Pinot Noir (Declared by the European Union the southernmost plantation in Europe of this variety), 3,500 Moscatel Morisco (native variety of the Serranía de Ronda), 3,000 Tintilla de Ronda and 3,500 Garnacha Tintorera. In total there are 3 hectares of vines planted in three different areas of the estate, on flat land or with slight slopes of very different characteristics.

A very different and unique terroir with special edaphoclimatic characteristics that give the vineyards exceptional quality.

The Antigua Real Fabrica de San Miguel de Ronda winery maintains a full and complete commitment to the entire process of making natural wine with ecological criteria, not only in the agricultural aspect, but also in the industrial process that is carried out completely. craftswoman.


Open to previously arranged visits. Visits and tastings directed in English/Spanish/French.

We also offer “Tocatas”, wine tastings enlivened and related to flamenco music and “Declatas”, wine tastings enlivened with poetic declamations.

You can also celebrate your ceremonies and events in a unique place declared a Historical Industrial Monument in the middle of nature and totally ecological.


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